Here’s why ‘Mobile’ should be your NY2016 resolution

In this stunning blog post Tomi Ahonen, the world’s most influential Mobile Industry guru, explains why the mobile industry is the most creative technical & business opportunity that has ever existed.

The post wraps up with visionary insights into why you need to go ‘Mobile First’ and advice on what you need to understand and how you need to evolve if you want to stay relevant and be successful.

Read this post first and then take a long hike, sleep for a night before coming back and trying to tackle the following 4 blog posts he’s selected for you:

What is ‘Mobile First’.

What is coming in next few years.

Why Big Data is most profitable part of mobile future

Digital Convergence and Mobile

Note: The post inspired me to attempt to make an infographic as this information urgently needs to be shared with the healthcare industry where even very basic initiatives can have such enormous impact on the lives of Patients and Carers. Please note it’s very much a first draft so please add any thoughts or suggestions you have about the image in the comments below and I’ll update and improve it based on your feedback.

Tomi Ahonen Infographic

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